Thursday, April 17, 2008

35 Things You Could Live Without Knowing...

1. Cellphone: It's my ball and chain
2. Relationship: married and happy about it
3. My hair: long, dark brownish, With a mind of its own- that hasn't decided what it wants to be when it grows up- wavy or straight?
4. Work: Wife, Nurse
5. My sibling/siblings: one brother, one sister, one lives close, one lives too far away. We used to fight as kids...but grew out of it.
6. My favorite thing: computer
7. My dream last night: scary and weird- involved a lot of random people, including Barak Obama
8. Favorite drink: coffee
9. Dream car: I wish I didn't need one
10. The room I’m in: is dim and a little chilly
11. My shoes: are randomly strewn about the house.
12. My fears: wasting my life
13. What do I want to be in 10 years: a healthier me
14. Who did I hang out with this weekend: my husband, my church peeps
15. What I am not good at: typing
16. Muffin: blueberry
17. One of my wish list items: a bath tub
18. Where I grew up: Kansas
19. Last thing I did: typed the word Kansas
20. Wearing: skirt, shirt, etc...
21. Not wearing: feet are cold!
22. My pets: an outdoor cat...not really a pet, more like a peeping tomette. She is always watching through the blinds.
23. My computer: Gateway PC
24. My life: Quiet
25. My mood: Restless
26. Missing: extra room
27. What I am thinking about right now: What IS missing?
28. My car: is paid off!
29. My kitchen: is too small!!!
30. My weather: pretty chilly...
31. Favorite color: today?....Um, green
32. Last time I laughed: when I told my husband that I wanted to buy a juicer...the look on his face was amusing.
33. Last time I cried: when I watched Alvin and the Chipmunks today. The part where Theodore snuggles up to Dave after having a bad dream. It was just so cute and touching. (I cry easily.)
34. School: Spring Break!
35. Love: requires effort, patience, and commitment- tended properly, it will grow and flourish.


Mary Ellen said...

Fun to read....your title cracked me up!

Theresa said...

Great post! I loved the title too!!. You need to show us all how to post such neat things.
lova ya

Jodi said...

Aww Thanks! I just thought I would try something new. My favorite link is the last one (Love).

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