Friday, March 14, 2008

In case you were wondering...

If you think you or a loved one may have a problem please take this test.
This message brought to you by: Caffeinate Responsibly- Caffeine, don't leave home without it!


Mary Ellen said...

Can you take the same test with Mt. Dew!?!?! (smiley face)

Sara said...

That was fairly predictable! I miss hanging out and drinking coffee in the evenings!

Theresa said...

I was only 35% Now tea, that's another story.

Tucker's Family said...

I am holding off taking the caffeine quiz. I'm almost positive it will confirm what my guys always warned me! (That was before they started drinking coffee!) As long as I don't know a percentage...then I can still say, "I could stop if I wanted to!"

Does the quiz register above 100%

I miss our coffee evenings,too, Sara.

The Arender's said...

I was 67% addicted - I think I have slacked off alot since I am still nursing.
Question to self. Should I still be drinking that much? I hate to admit it, but it is hard to quit. All those sleep-deprived nights... :-) Adrian
P.S. Love your blog! Very interesting.

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