Tuesday, March 11, 2008

To Blog Snobs Everywhere...

Before the late summer of 2007, I really didn't know that much about blogging. My first introduction to it was by Sara, my sister in law, when she made a baby blog for Chloe. Needless to say, I am not a computer efficienato...

My interest's or hobbies include: Reading good literature, some of which is pure escapism- and some that is not so mindless. I enjoy writing. I've found it helps me to live in the present and to effectively process my feelings. I also enjoy scrap booking, photography, and decorating my home. Music is also an interest- I do not play and instrument, but it is a powerful medium and I truly enjoy good music.
All of these hobbies or interests have been apart of my life for a long time and have repeatedly brought me joy and creative outlet.

Weblogs, however, are new to me. My short acquaintance with them has been sweet, and somewhat of an adventure...

I started this blog with the idea that it would be another creative outlet... and, one in which I could incorporate most of my other interests/hobbies (see above).
It was to be an outlet that I could share with my family and my friends as a means to keep us feeling connected. Soon, I found that others- long lost friends and acquaintances, even strangers- had found my blog. It has been great to reconnect with them and keep in touch with their lives via the Internet.

Now, I am no longer a newbie to this webloging business- I fancy myself a veteran, having logged several hours in pursuit of learning as much as I can about the lives of others around me... (Just kidding! Or am I?)
What is blogging all about anyway and how did it get started? What are the rules, if any?
One thing is certain- there are as many types of weblogs out there as there are types of blog keepers: Ma's, Pa's, kids, blog addicts and veterans, blog snobs, blog hogs, blog la-de-das, blog dogs (a little "shout out" to Tucker!) You get the idea...

It is like a peep hole into humanity. I have laughed with you and cried with you- I've had my "ire raised" a few times- (but not many).

Of course there are those of us that only blog our best, you know- the highlights. Those occasions that are special to us- our babies eating birthday cake, family gatherings, fun with friends, our favorite flower arrangement that Aunt Milly made for us, or our first attempt at baking an apple pie. You know, the things in life that make us smile and make us feel warm and cozy... the kind of news you read with a cup o' joe in one hand and the mouse in the other.

Others choose to use there blog as medium to share more serious news, and to impart wisdom to other bloggers in blogdom- I occasionally enjoy these weblogs. They make me sit up a bit straighter in my very uncomfortable desk chair and take note! (Coffee optional...)

Others are a mixture of the the twain... and still there are countless other varieties!

So again, what is the purpose of a blog?

In my opinion, a weblog is like a home... (don't broil me- I realize it is not a perfect analogy!) whether or not you decide to make it "private" or "public" is totally up to you. You can decorate it to your liking and fill it up with all those happy, or not-so-happy memories, pictures, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. YOU are the Queen/ King of your virtual castle...
Of course, if we choose to have a "open door policy", it behooves us to exercise good judgment and to remember that there could be any number of eyes peering through that proverbial peep hole.

And, I might add- when visiting other sights- if you don't enjoy reading someones meanderings, or looking at photographs of children eating birthday cake, or admiring Aunt Milly's prize winning hydrangeas... stop making a fuss and go find a more suitable weblog for your discerning tastes...



Mary Ellen said...

VERY well said!!!

Liz said...

I LOVE IT! My opinion precisely!
(BTW, you have a gift for expressing yourself - all that journaling is paying off . . .) :>)

Theresa said...

Very true. I see a book contract in your future. :)

Travis said...

your new picture is grand-the lighting is worth mentioning too.

you *should* try your hand at countries in 5.

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