Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Holiday in Ohio...

This holiday season, Mr. M. and I have been extremely blessed to have the opportunity to visit both sides of our family!

We just got back from Ohio where we stayed with my husband's family for a few days. It was so great to see them! I also got to meet my husband's grandma, Evelyn, for the first time.

The trip was quick, but thoroughly enjoyable!
I hope you enjoy the slides...


Tucker's Family said...

Mrs. M, Jr. Your pics and captions make me want to be a part of it ALL -- oh wait, I was!!!!

It was so great having you here. And those table decorations might have belonged to me ----but Jodi and Sara did the arranging. Nice job.

Love, Sherilyn

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I am so glad you all were able to get together. Both places you got to see the snow. Makes the warm welcome back home to Florida even better.
Love to you both--
Mom F

Travis said...

cincinnati has always seemed like the perfect place to escape to. inspiring. i could write there- i'm sure.

Travis said...

by the way. the picture of the window with the reflection of the tree, did you take that? its good. very good.

Jodi said...

Yes, thanks!

Liz said...

Oh, Jodi! All those Cinci pictures about made me cry! The city where we fell in love . . . :>)

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