Friday, July 23, 2010

Romans 12:15

I don't usually do this, but there is something that I wish you all to pray for.
But first, I would like you to read this:

"I'll be honest in saying that right now (as in RIGHT NOW) everything that should be settled for us as a family is up in the air.

Our life is one little multi-colored kite frantically flying off shore with a storm fast approaching tethered by a small little string to a rock. Granted our rock is pretty big: Creator of the Universe, The God who sees Us, The resurrected and living Son of God, The Trinity. Our Rock is huge. Nevertheless, sometimes being smacked around while so far up in the air in what could be very scary conditions can get the best of you...and you simply lose your wind. You lose the desire to fly. Your color fades.  Our string is stretched beyond what seems possible over and over again - moment by moment.

Are you picking up on every single way I can stretch this metaphor? 

Hubs has been unemployed for over a year.  His days are filled with the writing of cover letters, the sending of resumes, the filling out of endless e-applications, and "inevitable" rejection. It's hard to face that every day.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant. I still don't have a contract for next year. My administration can't give me definitive answers and my district is in the middle of major budget cuts and a hiring freeze. My heart is no longer in my job, but my baby and I just can't get excited about having to travel 45+ minutes each way to do what will be an insanely difficult job. 

So, where is my Rock? I feel like we are weathering the storm, only to be met with more clouds - which is pretty much the Pacific Northwest.

Please. We need a refuge. We need a safe place. We need some light in the darkness and anxiously await a joy that will come in the morning. Amen"
This is from a blog that I have been reading for awhile now. I have never met her, but I feel like I kind of know her after following her blog for so long.
Anyway, to get to the point, I read this post of hers and it just broke my heart!

We all know people that are struggling right now.
Maybe you can even relate on a personal level.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."
Romans 12:15

She has been on my mind and I am praying for her situation.
Please, if you think about her, pray for her. 


Anonymous said...

I am saying a prayer for her right now. I know exactly what she is going through. Nearly every single thing she said could have been written by me a year ago. B

Theresa said...

I pray for her too!

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