Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Funny Valentine

It was a nice Valentine's day! Of course with campmeeting, school, work, company, and all- it was a little bit busy...
Even so, the Mr. and I found some time to spend together.
After we (and both of our mothers...which, by the way, we are delighted to have staying with us this week) dropped Matt off at the airport, the four of us decided to run over to the mall for an hour before it closed... just for fun. While our mothers did a little bargin hunting, Mr. M. and I had ourselves a mini date... and it just so happened that I got to fulfill a life long dream which was to get those silly "photo-booth" pics taken at the mall!
After our "photo shoot" we really went wild and purchased an ice cream treat out of the Blue Bunny vending machine... I got one of those red, white and blue popsicles, and he got a strawberry shortcake creamsicle... it was awesome!

As we sat on a bench in the middle of the mall eating our treats, we talked and laughed about our little date... and thourghly enjoyed just being together. I can honestly say... in all my life I have yet to meet anyone whose company I enjoy more than my Mister's.

I know it seems like we went overboard this Valentine's... but frankly, sometimes you just have to live a little.


Dixie said...

It sounds like you had great fun on your mini date. If you think of it, tell your Mom and MIL (she was one of my favorite college teachers) Hello for me.

Dixie (Weingard)

Leora Schenck said...

How sweet! Loved the pictures!

Liz said...

Ahhh . . . It's a gift to enjoy simple things and each other's company . . . This V Day our baby boy was sick so we were cleaning up messes . . . :>) But even that is all right when you're with the one you love. :>) Enjoy your blog so much!

Sara said...

I love it! Aren't those the best kind of dates? Silly but so much fun.

Mary Ellen said...

I recently saw somewhere, can't remember where, that someone just published an entire book (coffee table kind, I believe) that is full of pictures from those little booths - all kinds collected from all over. I think that would be a lot of fun to look at...too bad he/she didn't have yours to add to it! Very cute blog and pics.

Travis said...

It appeals to that distant romantic in me...

Anonymous said...

Good to know I am not the only one that loves those silly little booths at the mall!

Sometimes the most memorable dates are the simple, spontaneous ones, glad you had a good time!

Making Memories 1999 said...

How precious! Wow, your last statement " all my life I have yet to meet anyone whose company I enjoy more than my Mister's" says it all!!

Hey, we had a wonderful family Valentine's Day here at home! Love your post! Have a happy day, cuz!!

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